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翻云覆雨手 剑龙夫妻推进奖 泣血恶人奖
级别: 大护法

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【Kung-Fu Fighting】

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Kung Fu Fighting(中國功夫)
Carl Douglas(卡爾道格拉斯)

哦.. 哦.. 哦. .哦..

Everybody was Kung Fu fighting, those cats were fast as lightning
大家都在練功打架, 兄弟們的動作快如閃電 (注: cats 是黑人俚語, 不是 jerks)
In fact it was a little bit frightning, but they fought with expert timing
其實這有點可怕, 但他們交招時卻拿捏的剛好

There was funky China men from funky Chinatown (注: funky黑人俚語, 中文可以翻成很屌, 很酷)
那裡有很屌的中國人 來自很屌的中國城
They were chopping them up, they were chopping them down
他們從上面劈下 他們從下面砍上

Its an ancient Chinese art, and everybody knew their part

這是古老的中華藝術 毎人也都很熟練
From a feint to a slip, and kicking from the hip
從虛招到擺脫 從腰部發勁踢腿

Everybody was Kung Fu fighting, those kids were fast as lightning
大家都在練功打架, 兄弟們的動作快如閃電
In fact it was a little bit frightning, but they fought with expert timing
其實這有點可怕, 但他們交招時卻拿捏的剛好

There was funky Billie Chin and little Sammy Chung
當時有很屌的比利.秦, 和小薩姆.鍾 (注: 意思就是中國人, 一個很厲害, 另一個不是很矮就是年紀很小)
He said, here comes the big boss, lets get it on
他說"大條的"(台語)來了, 我們開打吧 (注: 這來自李小龍片"唐山大兄", 這部片的英文就是 "Big boss", 在黑人俚語裡就是利害的, 大條的意思)
We took the bow and made a stand, started swaying with the hand
我們互相敬禮, 開始擺動手臂 (意思就是開始打了)
The sudden motion made me skip, now we're into a brand new trip
這突然的移閃讓我亢奮 我們現在已進入全新境界

[ 此贴被涴在2008-03-22 03:44重新编辑 ]
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顶端 Posted: 2008-03-22 02:13 | 50 楼
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